You may have heard - it rains a lot here in the U.K. We may or may not discuss the rain a fair amount as a nation - but one thing's for certain, thanks to the rain it's a very verdant landscape! Highlighting a few favourite greens from my July seasonal notebook.
Meadow grass green picked from high upon the coastal cliffs; A whisper of pink and a magical green from the Clover; Tart Gooseberry greens; Summer's blue and dune green of a Sea Holly; and just had to include lots of Mint green - looking as fresh as it tastes...
...from my seasonal colour sample notebook.
Meadow grass green picked from high upon the coastal cliffs; A whisper of pink and a magical green from the Clover; Tart Gooseberry greens; Summer's blue and dune green of a Sea Holly; and just had to include lots of Mint green - looking as fresh as it tastes...
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...from my seasonal colour sample notebook.