Drawing wild honeysuckle seemed a good way to hang onto something of the scent and colour of summer as it's turned a bit chilly here in Devon. Still flowering on Exmoor, as well as in my garden, I drew this in a hurried but fragrant moment in between re-printing Moorland Rabbit cushions...

"Echo the warm hues and rustic textures of the season with accessories in hewn wood, gleaming copper and rich berry shades"

as spotted in the Emporium pages in September's issue of Country Living magazine!
For sale in my online shop at www.sampickard.co.uk

"Echo the warm hues and rustic textures of the season with accessories in hewn wood, gleaming copper and rich berry shades"

as spotted in the Emporium pages in September's issue of Country Living magazine!
For sale in my online shop at www.sampickard.co.uk

...from my seasonal colour sample notebook.