Wednesday 26 September 2012

Colour from the Season - White Poplar white

This might seem a miserable little twig to add to my notebook pages - but I carried it all over London and then it spent two days in the car - let me explain!

Last Saturday, I happened to be on Hampstead Heath in London. If you haven't been there, I can tell you that the views from Parliament Hill across London are spectacular - protected by law in fact.
Down the hill, along a bit and I looked up because a White Poplar in the late afternoon sun caused me to stop to absorb the incredible beauty of its leaves and colour. This half dead and partially mildewed twig has little of that moment where Parrots (yes, really) were flying across a blue sky (yes, really!) and a breathtaking and contrasting industrial skyline on the horizon. I wanted to remember something of that moment, hence the twig.

The white is not quite white - it's the whitest tree in the landscape yet branch and leaf are in fact very very pale grey green...

(we spend so much time looking down and across - don't forget to look up!)

...from my seasonal colour sample notebook.